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Главная » 2008 » Декабрь » 9 » MortalKombat SoundMod для wow
MortalKombat SoundMod для wow

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1. Когда тебя кто-то аттачит в режим боя, начинает играть музыка из морталкомбат.
2. Когда у врага остается 20% здоровья, тебе громогласным голосом говорят - "Finish him!"
3. Когда враг умирает, то тоже говорят что-то. Помогает от хитрых хантеров - не слышишь что он сдох - не веришь.
4. Все криты обозначаются громким возгласом - "Exelent!". Мелочь, а приятно.
Есть одна неочень приятная черта у мода, когда погибаешь тебе говорят (дословно по англицки непомню) - "Какая глупая смерть, ты прососал!". Аж злось иногда берет - "как он может судить меня, ведь они же впятером напали..".
Вобщем реальный прикол. В ПВЕ тоже работает.


This is a sound only mod. It is primarily built for PVP but has some PVE elements.

Basically this mod will play sounds during PVP encounters.

With the initial mod, you will get 2 sound packs. There is a Mortal Kombat sound pack and an Unreal Tournament sound pack. Depending on which pack you have enabled, you will hear different sound effects while PVPing.

There are 3 commands in the MKombat sound mod.

/mkombat - Will list the commands
/mkombat list - Will display a list of the available sound packs
/mkombat load ##### - Will enable the designated sound pack (##### is the name of the mod which will be displayed in the listing)

Mortal Kombat Sound Pack

When you target a player of the opposing faction, you will hear 'CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY'.

If you initiate combat with the player, you will hear an edited version of the Mortal Kombat theme song. The song is set to not play more than once in any 10 minute period. Also, the song will play if combat is initiated with you by an opposing faction. This has the bonus of letting you know immediately if you are attacked by someone you hadn't already noticed. I have also added in a couple of other sound bites. A much requested techno rave music sample from Blade 2 (Crystal Method's Bloodrave) given by shaolin113 (props to him on the edit!).

When your target gets to 20% health, you will hear the 'FINISH HIM' clip. If you manage to kill the target on the next hit, you will hear 'FATALITY', and if you happen to get a crit on that final blow, you will hear 'BRUTALITY'.

If you are a rogue, you will also hear the 'FINISH HIM' anytime you accumulate 5 combo points (even in PVE). I left this in for PVE as I found it useful!

There are some other sound bites included with this mod, but I'll let you find the rest for yourself!

Unreal Tournament Sound Pack

When you target a player of the opposing faction, you will hear 'PREPATE TO FIGHT'.

If you initiate combat with the player, you will hear a couple of music samples. Either Bloodrave by Crystal Method props to shaolin113 for this music clip, or a short edit of the lobby fight music from The Matrix. The music is set to not play more than once in any 10 minute period. Also, the song will play if combat is initiated with you by an opposing faction. This has the bonus of letting you know immediately if you are attacked by someone you hadn't already noticed.

In addition, this mod will play different sound clips based upon how many kills in a row you get between getting killed yourself (PVP only).

One much requested piece of this mod is the 'HEADSHOT' clip which is played when a Hunter has a crit when using Aimed Shot.

There are some other sound bites included with this mod, but I'll let you find the rest for yourself!


I have worked very hard to make it so that it is quite easy to add your own sound packs to the mod. It is my hope that this will cause lots of sound packs to be created. For those who are interested in creating their own sound pack, it is quite simple and detailed below.

First off, open up MK.lua for an example of what you'll need to populate. You'll need to create your own file for your sound pack say YM.lua.
Enter in your own sound effects for the various events. I would suggest you create a new folder in the /Sounds directory in which to place your sound files.
Sound files must be either mp3 or wav files.
Create your own variable to mirror MK_Pack. For example, maybe you do YM_Pack. Everywhere you see MK_Pack, put in YM_Pack.
For the various effects which have the multiple entries and start with table.insert, you can create as many entries as you like. Just use the same method shown when entering in your entries. When that event is fired, a random entry is played.
I have also added a couple of function overrides for added functionality. If your sound mod requires special loading code, you should add your own version of MK_MKombat_OnLoad(). You can also add your own special event code if you want to capture additional events for your own sound mod. In order to do that you'll need to create your own version of MK_MKombat_OnEvent(). Again, remember to create your own versions that prefix with YM instead of MK.
Make sure the last line in your YM.lua file is
table.insert( g_MKombat_Packs, YM_Pack );
Finally, you have to open the MKombat.xml file and add an entry for your lua file so that it will be picked up as an available sound pack. Place an entry at the end such as
<script file="UT.lua" />
At this point, your mod should load up in game. In order to load it up, you will need to type /mkombat load YMNAME. YMNAME will be equal to whatever you put in your YM.lua file for
MK_Pack["NAME"] = "MKombat";
. You can see a list of available sound packs by typing /mkombat list in game.
That's it! Enjoy your mod and post about it in the forums about your groovy new sound mod!

For the latest information on this mod, be sure to visit http://www.warcraftrealms.com/mkombat.php

Be sure to post suggestions/comments to the forums at
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